Dalton Highway MP 0-9 Reconstruction
Alaska Department of Transportation
Livengood, Alaska
10.7 miles
Estimated Cost:
$39.9 million
Value Analysis
Market Sector:
Facility Specialty:
Transportation and Public Facilities
The Dalton Highway, extending from north of Fairbanks to Deadhorse, Alaska, provides the only vehicle access route across Northern Alaska and serves as a critical supply route between commercial and industrial centers.
This nine mile reconstruction project will upgrade the existing Trans-Alaska Pipeline System (TAPS) access route to current arterial standards, while improving safety and service. Approximately two thirds of the roadway will be realigned to meet these new standards, and a third will closely follow the existing alignment.
The proposed realignment portion of the project departs from the Elliott highway and travels down the West Fork Tolovana River Valley and Lost Creek Valley, staying near the valley bottom until rising again to tie back into MP6.5 of the existing Dalton Highway, in which the road continues to climb until reaching the end of the project, near the summit of 9 Mile Hill. The proposed road varies in elevation from 450’ to 1450’.
​MENG Analysis developed $8,807,000 worth of cast saving proposals.
Key Proposals Included
Recommendations for alternative materials to increase life spans
Structural refinement improvements to bridges
Adjustments to reduce bridge span distances and costs
Alternatives to manage frost impacts
Improvements to reduce construction schedule and phasing