Juanita High School
Lake Washington School District
Kirkland, Washington
246,142 SF
Estimated Cost:
$118 Million
Value Analysis
Market Sector:
K-12 Education
Facility Specialty:
High School
Integrus Architecture
The new Juanita High School will serve up to 1,800 students in grades 9 - 12 for the Lake Washington School District, and is being designed with the potential to expand to an enrollment of 2,000 in the future. The new building will be a three story structure and will preserve the existing football field, track, bleachers, field house, and pool. Parking and drop-off areas will be re-designed.
Construction will occur while students are on-site, requiring a phased construction process. Site development will include the school buildings, play fields, and vehicular and pedestrian circulation and parking.
​MENG Analysis developed $23,898,000 worth of cost saving proposals.
Key Proposals:
Improved site vehicular circulation, drop off, and parking for safety and function
Reduce volume and expense
Improved and simplified seismic system
Mechanical systems reduced redundancies and improved maintenance
Significant improvements to and opportunities related to phasing